Integrating condition and consciousness

 What is spiritual condition?

In very simple terms spiritual condition is a temporary state which we travel into after individual meditation, group meditation or prayer from depths of our heart, solitude, introspection, reflection. We can also experience a good spiritual condition while reading scriptures with an attitude of devotion, visiting a place which is spiritually charged or even associating and spending time with a person who is in a good condition. Spiritual condition can be bestowed upon us by a guru out of mercy even if we are not deserving. In any way it’s up to us to retain it or let it grow and expand to the next higher condition instead of letting it drain away.

Where does spiritual condition lead us to?

Spiritual condition gives joy. Ultimately condition evolves  into consciousness and elevated consciousness should have an impact in the way we think and act, in our way of life, the way we deal with challenges, tests and day to day situations.

 Link between condition and consciousness:

They are two sides of a coin.They rise and fall together. A good condition paves way to a higher consciousness and when condition deteriorates , it slowly impacts our consciousness too.

Why regularity and prolonged continuity of practice is needed?

For our understanding we can assume that condition is like liquidity and consciousness is like asset. We work every day to earn money which is liquidity which can be compared to condition which is established by meditating or praying every day. After a certain time we convert liquidity into an asset, which can be compared to consciousness.

We need certain time period of regular day to day work to have enough liquidity which will convert into asset. Similar way we need some regularity in spiritual practice to experience a change in our consciousness.

Even after we have a asset we need minimum liquidity to retain the asset else the asset may drain away. We may also need enough continuous liquidity if we want to buy another asset. Likewise even if we experience a elevated consciousness(which is taken as synonym for asset for our understanding) we need to maintain our condition through regularity in practice only then our consciousness will not fade away and there will be possibility of further expansion of consciousness.

Role of Grace and blessings in material and spiritual life :-

In material life, not everyone builds wealth by their own efforts, some people inherit wealth from others.  Receiving from others could be a blessing( there is deservingness involved)or grace(there is no deservingness).

Similar way spiritual condition and consciousness can also be bestowed by guru either because of our good attitude or it can be a matter of grace.

If life puts you in a situation where you need to take care of others don’t think it as a burden, be assured you are improving your deservingness to be blessed.

In any way we enjoy a good condition, either through self efforts or through grace we need to be thankful for what we have and let it expand further and most importantly share it with all (both material and spiritual gifts) because the more you share the more you receive from this universe.


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