
Sometime with someone everyone gets entrapped in emotional bondages. We keep building the bondage knowingly or unknowingly. You do not realize the bondage until the moment you are hurt. When you are hurt you cry, start thinking what mistake you has done, when you are unable to figure it out, you try to explain yourself; when you fail in your attempt of explaining yourself, you cry for not being understood. When you are exhausted crying, you get angry and feel ashamed of yourself. You think you should change, the more you think you should change, the more difficult it becomes to change.
Hurts come to us as shock because of the priority, love, trust and importance we have built on someone or something. It is easy to get out of it when it is the other person who has hurt you; it becomes all the more difficult when the other person is not at fault but it is your own attachment to the other person which hurts you.
At times, God makes you cry only to see things with a clearer vision. When properly understood, you will learn lessons for lifetime or may be you carry them even beyond.Dont think yourself to be emotionally strong when you are actually egoistic, never misunderstand stubbornness to a strong will power. Your real emotional strength lies in the tenderness of your heart, you will only have to reach out to more and more people. But to me the lesson is “Let affection exist, but not attachment”


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