Do your best

Swami vivekananda has spoken extensively about karma Yoga. Even my Master's emphasise on balancing the spiritual and material aspects of existence. We live on earth, the physical plane and actions are the very foundations of physical existence. Sluggishness should never be confused with holy inactivity.
Till the very end one has to discharge thier duties, what are the barriers which prevents us from doing the best? 1.Sloth 2.Judgement 3.Expectation and attachments on fruits of labour.
At times even if we begin well wet get demotivated due to our own attitude.

I would like to shareshare a small story which I read recently.
Once God told a person to push a rock. The person obeyed God's instructions and did his best. He kept on pushing for around seven or eight years until one day the devil came and raised some negative thoughts in his mind such as why are pushing the rock for years it has not even moved a single inch. So the man waswas confused and took the idea to God. God replied him "My dear son, I asked you to push the rock and you did. Did you notice that in this process your muscles got strengthened and your will increased. Pushing alone is your job and you did it, it is me who moves the rock when the time comes".
This story beautifully explains Vivekananda's karma Yoga or Krishna's Nishkama karma.
So let us do our work without attachment or expectations or judgement."Duty for duty's sake should be the motto "says Babuji Maharaj.

As the saying goes Do your best and God will do the rest"


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