Freedom from idea of freedom

Freedom is what everyone of us wants, freedom in all walks of life to live life the way we want. To do things which we love to do and stay away from what we don't like. At times we may be lucky if our likes and external matches with each other and when there is a mismatch we want freedom. Sometimes we give up to our ideas and surrender to the external circumstances and sometimes we fight to make our ideas a reality. Attachment is bondage and detachment is freedom. Be it khalil gibran or my master Chariji they say that true freedom is freedom from idea of freedom. As of today my understanding of this is mind does not want what it has, we always want that which we don't have. And our thoughts goes towards what we don't have. When freedom becomes our nature why would we think of it, we might loose awareness of that idea so when we are really free we enjoy it, live in the condition of freedom and get freed from the idea of freedom 


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