Synchronization between the inner and outer

 Have you wondered what “Reaching  God” means?

Yes it’s a blessing to visit a holy place or to see God in our dreams/ meditation. But that is not reaching God. Reaching God means imbibing Godly attributes like love,kindness, compassion, empathy etc.

Man cannot become God but his nature can become God like. Yes character formation is the highest morale and it seems to me like the most superior goal/ the end.

What kind of character we should aim at?

As human beings we are first of all expected to have a discrimination between good and bad. 

When we have good thoughts and feelings which does not materialize into action, it is incomplete.

Similarly a good deed if it’s not backed up by good thoughts and feelings it is incomplete too.

There is completion only when there is a perfect synchronization between the inner thoughts and feelings and the outer action.Once we establish this flow our work is done.

First of all we need to question if our thoughts and feelings are good, and if so are they transformed into right action, if not identify what are the blockages(eg: we may have good intentions but may be lazy to put them into action )and work on removing them.

Same way if deeds seem good but intentions are not good the blockage has to be identified and removed.

( eg: we may do something just out of compulsion or namesake without good feeling in the heart).

Once we remove our blockages there can be further test from nature in terms of new situations which will reveal to us part of ourselves unknown to us, slowly we should work on maintaining the equilibrium between our thoughts, words and actions even  while facing tests. Once we are able to achieve this balance/equilibrium between our inner and outer we are almost done. Such a character is a priceless jewel and indeed the real goal which we should target.This is the moderation we need to achieve.May God bless us all with wonderful character.


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