Lessons from people around
Everything around us teaches us lessons in infinite ways. It's only up to us to grasp the lesson and apply it in our own life.
My husband’s grandmother aged 89 passed away today morning. I know her for a decade now and her life conveys some important lessons.
She had always totally dedicated her life for her husband. Ever since I met her, I have seen her taking care of her husband and performing everything for him just the way a mother takes care of a small kid. Though she herself was 75 plus when her husband lost his eyesight, yet she discharged her duty with utmost dedication and love without cribbing, complaining or any kind of regrets.
Many people may do their duty but only few do it so heartfully.
She is a very strong willed person and a ’doer’. A typical karma yogi. Such souls for sure heavily burn their karma with their hard work.
Her husband passed away three years back and ever sine then she slowly started falling sick and gradually became bed ridden. My father in law took great care of his mother during her last days. She was always physically over doing domestic activities for her family all through her life and in the last one or two years everyone had to repay her. This was another great lesson of karma. Whatever we get from another person we need to return it back.
Rest in peace granny. May we be as strong willed, duty minded and hardworking as you. Bless us all.
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