Appreciation and power of words
Believing in our self is a gift, having another person who believes in us is a blessing!It’s a wonder to think of the effect of appreciation in people’s life. Why does some people get better after marriage or grow in certain organizations or school and some others loose their confidence after joining a job/school or after getting married? The key difference maker is Appreciation!
People who are doing normally suddenly turn out to be so confident because they are surrounded by someone who loves, respects and appreciates them.Same way people who were once very confident and enthusiastic can even turn out to become dull and depressed when they are surrounded by someone who keeps on doubting and criticizing them.
In the Solomon Islands of Africa, there is a custom which the tribal people follow. Whenever they want to cut down a very large tree, the villagers gather around the tree and keep criticizing it. They do this for around one month and then the tree falls down and dies by itself. Such is the power of words in our subconscious mind.
Of course it’s maturity to decide what to take in and what to ignore from whatever comes from outside. But it’s not so easy to always practice it. When people are fighting a million battle we do not know about, it becomes our duty to speak kindly, motivate and appreciate one another.Never speak a demotivating word to anyone, we never know what impact it can cause in their self belief or subconscious mind.
Charity begins at home. Let’s learn to appreciate ourselves, our family ,friends, relatives, co workers, support staffs and all people we come across.
Never ever utter any word or comment which may affect another person. Kind words are sweet to speak and sweet to listen. Always appreciate and never criticize.
Let’s appreciate others and make them more happy and confident.Ancient tamil poet Thiruvalluvar says
இனிய உளவாக இன்னாத கூறல்
கனிஇருப்பக் காய்கவர்ந் தற்று
When there are sweet words to speak, using harsh words is like eating a raw vegetable when fruit is available.
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