New year -Seek the highest

 As we say good bye to the previous year with an attitude of gratitude ,  it’s important to seek the highest in the new year. Actually every moment is an opportunity for a fresh start and new year can be used as a time to reflect and re align our priorities or else we would be in a maze without knowing the difference between reality, reflection and illusion.

Look at the flowers, they echo God’s love in infinite ways. Love is all that was, all that is and all that will be. Love is our nature, but most of the times we forget it and dwell in lower consciousness and vibrations running behind this and that. Awakening to love is the best thing that can happen in our life. Am not sure if it’s a matter of destiny or divine grace or any degree of personal effort is involved. But it’s said that what we seek is what we get, so why not seek the highest. Seek love, feel love, be love, become love.

Let’s hope we always vibrate in resonance with divine hymn and be filled with the highest vibration of love before the lower vibrations consumes us.

When there is love, everything else automatically follows.


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