God ,Love,Infinity,Oneness
It is said that God is infinite, it may be because He exists in the form of infinite creatures.Love is also infinite because it is the energy which has aided in the process of creation of the infinite creatures.
They say God is love and love is God.Love is such a subtle energy and it’s subtlety is it’s greatest deception.
From the human level most of the time attachment is misunderstood for love.Attachment is towards few but love once it emanates it’s for all without any restrictions.It’s not one to one or one to many, it’s one to infinite relationship.
Love is the subtle power which helps in the germination of a seed,the flowering of a plant, the growing of a tree.
The hatching of an egg, the flying of a bird.
The birth of a kid, the growth of a baby- the crawling, walking,running, speaking...
The subtle energy which keeps the sun,moon,stars and the planets intact at their respective place is love.
Love is the energy that flows from creator to each and every creation and creature.There are infinite creatures and we are one among the infinite. But what is common among all? The source or the creator is God and the energy involved in the process of creation is love.From love we have come , so the path to go back to the source is also only one that is the path of love.
We find oneness with other infinite fellow creatures through love.Respect one and another and treat everyone alike for we are all from the same source.Only when we learn to find oneness with all the other human beings ,we can learn to find oneness with all the other living creatures also.