Love all whom He loves

“Love Him who loves all. Love all whom He loves.”

Love is complete only when we love God as well as all of God’s creations.

Only when we cross the lower vibrations such as desires, anger, greed or expectations and ego can we experience love. But it looks to me like our life’s journey is not just about dealing with our own desires, anger or ego but also about dealing with the vibrations of people around us.

We may do our best but someone around can expect more from us just because of their desires or greed. Whatever best we do they might not be satisfied or grateful and this could be demotivating for us. At times we could become victim of another person’s anger and ego. How do we handle all this, keep our cool and continue to love them?

It looks like there are some basic qualities to be imbibed and mastered which would make it easy to love anything and anyone who comes our way.

First and foremost is Tolerance. If we lack tolerance we couldn’t even think about the next step, it’s the bare minimal to go forward.

Second is Forgiveness. No one is perfect. Many a times we have been forgiven and given another chance. Learn to forgive people of their mistakes and give them an opportunity to change or improve.

Third is Empathy. Try to understand why the other person is behaving the way they are doing. Though their behavior may not be to our liking, that could be a very natural behavior from their perspective and circumstances.

The next important quality is Compassion. This quality helps us to do our part overcoming Judgement, which weighs us down.

The another most important attribute is prayer. When we can pray for the welfare of the other person and wish them well we have already taken a great leap in our consciousness.

The combination of tolerance, forgiveness, empathy, compassion and prayer is nothing but love.

Let us imbibe and practice these qualities and learn to love whoever or whatever comes our way. This is how we can transform a tough situation or person for our own evolution and expansion.

“Love Him who loves all. Love all whom He loves.”


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