He accepted,

She adapted,


Peace is there, Where is love in this ?


Acceptance is the foundation of peace.

Admiration is the foundation of love.

When we  learn to admire everything and everyone we are participating in the flow of Universal Love.

Be love, become love.

My favorite  quotes on love:

1. " Close your eyes, fall in love, stay there ." - Rumi

My understanding: 

close ur eyes -  Love is a inner thing to be experienced, don't seek it outside.Love is a spiritual condition. 

Stay there - when nature bestows you the condition of love, don't let go of it. Try to attain a permanency in that condition. 

2. "Wherever you are, Whatever you do be in love" - Rumi

My understanding: Every single act we do in our day to day life when we apply love, we do it best and we don't form impressions. 

3. " Love is the bridge between you and everything"- Rumi

My understanding: Towards any person or anything when you approach with vibrations of love you are doing your part.

4. " Love Him who loves All"- Babuji

5. " Love all whom He loves" - Chariji 

6." Love for God is a state where the trinity of lover, beloved and love itself is lost" - Lalaji

7. " Joy of love is love itself" - My first lesson of love taught by Chariji. 


  1. Very nice suba 4,5,6,7 true lines which we need to experience the love aa you said spritual condition .keep writing more


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