Contentment and growth

While contentment is a blessed state of mind I was wondering what lies behind it or is it complete by itself.

How do we arrive at contentment?
Contentment usually comes when a certain goal is fulfilled, it can be by self effort or life can just give us what we want through some other person  without our personal effort.

How can contentment be disturbed?
When we have a conditional contentment,  contentment can be disturbed when underlying conditions shake.

At times we may be content with what is but an awareness of something better can create a desire for that better and disturb the content state of mind. Unnecessary comparison with others may lead to discontent.

When we are grateful for what we have then we would never be disturbed when another person has something better than us.

When we no longer choose to race or follow the crowd, when we arrive at a state of inner contentment with what is, are we in some kind of a stagnation or not focusing on the potential growth?

There is a possibility of stagnation unless we learn to live life using our full potential using our will power.
Contentment and growth can go together when we gratefully accept the present as it is and use our full potential to be a better version of our own self breaking our own records.Ideally when we apply gratitude we can be content at the same time use the will to become better.

Life is not what we have, it's more about what we are or what we become.


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