Love and detachment

Half of the time we suffer from inability to love and other  half of the time we suffer from the inability to detach from those who we love.

We experience three types emotions such as attraction, neutral or resistance towards fellow beings due to multivarious reasons. At times due to our own prejudice,ideas and judgement and other times due to the way they behave in general or the way they treat us.

What is love ? At the surface level love is a emotion. At a deeper level to love means to give our energy.Time is the most valuable energy we can give the other person. Taking time to serve the society is one way to practice Universal love and brotherhood.Service is one way by which we move from individual love towards universal love.

What is detachment? In the surface level detachment is space.It sometimes seems to be a scary word or something applicable only for saints.But if we understand its a simple concept.
( simple not necessarily easy. )
Detachment is Non expectation of anything material or emotional even after giving that from our side. Whatever we give or do is because we like to do that.  Do our part and stay back don't be demotivated with the reciprocation from the other side.Indirectly we are surrendering the result of our action.

Service is the manifestation of love. Surrender is the manifestation of detachment .Amalgamation and application of service and surrender,  love and detachment is a very high level of human evolution.

Its a two way flow, we can serve out of love or we can serve and create love.
We can surrender as a manifestation of detachment or surrender can create the condition of detachment.

Love is not fancy words or thoughts,service is love.
Service is good thoughts, good words,good action.
Detachment is not closing our heart and being rigid, it's doing the best with everything and everyone and surrendering the consequences. 

Babuju says "Make love and acceptance the two fulcrums of your life".
Daaji says there are three stages of Acceptance, "Acceptance, Cheerful acceptance, acceptance even without the idea of acceptance ".
This last stage of Acceptance, I.e. acceptance without the idea of acceptance is surrender, which is nothing but non expectation of detachment.

" When the light returns to the source it takes nothing of what it has illuminated" - Rumi

"They are the chosen ones who have surrendered.Once they were particles of light, now they are radiant sun" - Rumi

"Service is constantly thinking good for others".-Babuji 

" I slept and saw that life is all joy,
I woke and saw that life is all service, 
I served and saw that service is all joy"- khalil Gibran 


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