Detach and liberate

The word 'detachment' may seem very tough or big thing but actually once we understand and put it into practice it's such a beautiful thing and it's so liberating.

Detachment is moderation and  very different from withdrawal or cut off which are extreme steps and often misunderstood for detachment. 

A detached person is not a person who does not love or perform his or her duties or utilizes thier full capacity to work. But a detached person is a moderate person who loves without possessiveness, performs duties without expectations and gives their best in whatever they do.Detachment is a manifestation of moderation and hence its saintliness. 

Heartfulness emphasizes the balanced or the perfect integration of spiritual and material aspects of life, just like how a bird flies with two wings.The right understanding and application of detachment is very essential for integrating the spiritual and material life.

There are different aspects of detachment.

1. Detachment from material things,  be it a favourite toy, favorite dress, vehicle, house or any physical object which we hold too dear. Undue attachment to these things will not allow us to share these with anyone.

2. Detachment from abstract things like money, power, position,success,name and fame. Attachment to these things is a eternal addiction. 

3. Emotional detachment : Detachment from the people we love. The ability to enjoy the flow of affection without possessiveness. The ability to discharge duties to our family without expectations. Emotional detachment solves half of the problems in a relationship.

4. Detachment from associating our identity to a group such as religion,community, language,organization etc and liberating ourselves to enjoy the bigger picture.

5.Detachment from the work we do. Do the work to the fullest capacity without becoming addicted to it.

6. Detachment from gratitude.  At times unknowingly we get over attached to someone we are grateful Gratitude is a beautiful thing but we should not burden the other person with our gratitude. 

"Assume no weight of gratitude lest you lay a yoke upon yourself and upon him who gives" - Khalil Gibran 

7. The highest form of detachment is detachment from own self. Understanding that we are not the thought but the observer of our own thoughts. 

"When you listen to a thought, you are aware not only of the thought but also of yourself as the witness of the thought. A new dimension of consciousness has come in ."- Echart Tolle 


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