Learning never ends
Our evolution is a process of continuous learning, un learning and re learning. 2022 had been quiet a year in that aspect. There were some new situations, there were some repetitive situations some of which I was able to handle in a refined way and still some of the situations revealed the unhealed aspects of me to myself or say the areas which were transformed but not completely transformed.
1. Let go of fear of judgement.
At times we would be able to actually handle the actual situation but not the fear of other people's judgement about it. Let go of it, don't do anything unless you really want to do.
Whatever is happening with us be it good or bad, people will judge us with our current situation nobody knows our entire history so never bother much about other people's judgement about you.
2. Practice detachment
" Everything is temporary - thoughts, emotions ,people and scenery. Do not become attached, just flow with it. "
" Repetitive waves of change are the secrets of eternity".
3. Be gentle on yourself.
At times it's easy to accept the external but what is more difficult is Acceptance of certain aspects of ourselves which comes to awareness but not to our liking. Slowly, calmly take efforts to become a better version of yourself. Self Acceptance , self forgiveness , begining all over again takes courage.
4. Never give up on yourself.
Peace is complete only when we progress in peace not just sit back and become a idle spectator. Continuously work in improving yourself in all dimensions. " It's not always about healing , at times we need to go ahead and create something new".
5. Bend but do not break.
In extreme tolerance at times we let ourselves break due to the burden of other people's expectations. Don't take unwanted tension. Be fair but let people learn to handle their own greed or expectations or jealousy.Its not at all our responsibility.
When we wish something we can hope, when we need something we can request but demanding another person based on our needs and expectations should never happen.
6. Move away (mentally) from energy draining people.
At times we drain ourselves unknowingly due to extreme kindness . Be empathetic and kind but don't let yourself get drained by immature people. No one will come with you the long way. Our time and energy is precious why let it be drained by random people. It's important to channelize our energy towards constructive things.
7. Revert to moderation at the earliest
In any given situation, extremism of either the good or bad is not ideal. Practice moderation of thoughts ,words and actions.
Lack of consciousness and hence being free is one extreme. Being conscious of fact and hence limiting ourselves is another extreme. Our consciousness should liberate us and not limit us.
8. Have the higher understanding that needs vary.
When we understand the concept that the needs of individuals vary in all dimensions we can live with greater Acceptance of each other.l without judgement.
Some people can be minimalist and manifest simplicity while some people can be very particular about enjoying pleasures.
People's needs and ideas about success and achievement also varies.
People's emotional needs also vary. Some people are very independent Whereas some people have a constant need for a company for everything, be it going out with a group or keep inviting people home for eating together and spending time together.
Need for solitude, need for socializing, need for attention, need for peace, need for wisdom and knowledge, need for love and affection, everything varies.
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