Reflections( Jan 2023 )
Detachment and attachment is not only on people, but also on things!
Respect is from the mind and affection is from the heart.
Affection is spontaneous but still there is some need met knowingly or unknowingly.
Confidence which we have on a person is based on their personality not just the affection between the two.
We can admire and appreciate certain good things but need not apply it in our journey as it's not required for us or just we are not so interested in it.
For some people speaking and opening out are two different things.
Just like how we have to integrate activity and passivity, we have some people who passively "be" there for us always and some others who actively "do" something for us when we need. If we have someone who is with us in doing and being, it talks more about their personality( they have successfully integrated being and doing )and less about our deservingness.
This being and doing explains why some relationships are full of conversations and emotional support ( being) and some relationships are full of group and fun activities ( doing things together ).
Love is more about the lovers ability to love than the deservingness of the object of love.The minimal thing required from the beloved is not to offer resistance to love so that the lover is not forced to withdraw.
Talking is one way of connecting with another person but if the understanding exists with minimal words then it's a more refined level.
Love between two lovers is divine because the flow is eternal.
At times our learning is inside out( when we know what we are and what we are not and understand what another is and what another is not ) and at other times our learning is outside in ( where we understand the other and from there we understand ourselves)
The ability to observe our own thoughts and emotions as it is a refined introspection.
Coming to the liberation conditions the five c's ( My current understanding)
1. Contentment comes from gratitude
2. Calmness( peace ) comes from acceptance
3. Compassion ( love ) comes from non judgement
4. Courage comes from the ability to live in the NOW.
5. From the above four c's comes the fifth c ( Clarity ) discriminative ability.
Condition is temporary and volatile. How to make condition a state and achieve permanency? How to go beyond the escape velocity and live in a liberated state rather than just periodic liberation condition ? This is the ability to go beyond the resistance and barriers and keep correcting oneself continuously.
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