Reflections- April(Part 1)

What flows towards us depends first on our interest(openness), secondly on our handling ability and thirdly on retention ability by making ourselves deserving of what we get. When we digest and handle what comes, we create room for more to flow in.

Staying committed even if the need or benefit is not ours is a high level of respect towards fellow beings and manifestation selflessness. 

Babuji says, "Constantly thinking good for others is Service". A leader is the one who serves others by thinking and acting for other people's welfare, just spontaneously, selflessly. 

Maturity is empathy towards immaturity.

Trusting that the past, present and future is for our own good is acceptance without the idea of acceptance. 

Don't just inform about your blessings to the world, share your blessings with others, that is how you take people along and also create space to attract more when you let it flow. 

We act based on our awareness. But we tend to forget what comes to our awareness and revert back to old methods, if we keep connected to the source (book, mentor, meditation) from which wisdom originates we probably won't forget what we learn.

There are four levels of evolution in the person we are as well as the people we meet: trouble creating person, harmless person, kind person, dependable person.

There is a freedom of choice in manifesting Kindness. The person can choose when to be kind, how much to be kind and to whom to be kind. A person who Continuously manifests kindness becomes dependable or reliable person. Dependable person has been more selfless in choosing to be kind. Most of us are dependable for a small group of family or friends. As the circle expands, it reflects our selflessness. The whole of humanity has unconditional dependency on saint or guru.

Everyone we see outside is a reflection of our inner self. A past self which we can empathize with, a present self which we can connect with or those from whom we take inspiration are our future self.

Fear is the greatest obstacle which we need to overcome. Fear of judgement, fear of rejection, fear of failure. When we learn to grow with criticism, accept rejections, learn from failures and take opinions in a light spirit we have reached a new level of consciousness. 

When we work ahead of time it's the path to progress and success,
When we work for the current situation, it leads to retention and eventually only stagnation,
When we do not work, it will lead to degradation and slowly deterioration.

Our evolution is a journey from selfishness to selflessness.


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