Concentric emotional circles

 What is close?

Each of us has our own definition of close.

Some of the top reasons are we feel close to someone who guides us, accepts us, encourages us, hears us out, cares for us, loves us, values us, respects us, and remains trustworthy or reliable.

Among all the people we meet in our life journey, each impacts us differently. 

The outermost circle is the people with whom we have very casual talks, they give suggestions or information. They need not necessarily make us feel good, they don't make us feel bad.

The people in the second circle from the outside are our relatives who are with us in major good or bad life events. Acquaintances who are "Willing" to connect with us and become our friends come into this circle. They make us feel good by being there with us

The third circle from the outside consists of people who earned our trust by being reliable. We respect them for their qualities, and they respect us for whom we are. They are our close friends or a few of our relatives who have earned our affection and respect. Sometimes, people with common interests and aspirations can easily become close.

The fourth circle from the outside is the people we feel "attached to. " Knowingly or unknowingly there could be a need which was met by them. This is quite a vulnerable state because we give affection, respect, and trust without complete validation.

How people handle attachments:- 

1. Some people ignore and hurt us.

2. Some people treat us well because goodness is their nature but don't consider us close. 

3. Some people value us and reciprocate with affection and respect. Attachments turn into the best friendship only if trust, affection, and respect are mutual else it won't last long. Mutualism is possible if there is an attachment with care not an attachment with possessiveness and also the person who is first attached has qualities which other person respect. 

The fifth circle from the outside is a mentor kind of a person. An evolved soul with the wisdom and compassion to guide and support us when needed. We will meet very few of them in our entire life if we are lucky enough. They are selfless beings to a great extent.

The sixth circle from the outside is our family members,  parents, siblings, spouse, children, and inlaws who are with us all through this lifetime. 

The seventh circle from the outside is our spiritual guru who is with us in this life and beyond.

The innermost in the concentric circle is ourselves, the center.

Spending time and energy with those who truly care about us, be there for us, guide, support, love, and respect us is good. Be grateful for all the people in our life as everyone has a role.

I once felt master is a circle without circumference.  A circle whose love has no circumference.  A circle without a circumference is the center. In the same way, our love has to expand from ourselves to the entire universe. 


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