Deviations from inward connection

What are the subtle signs we are not connected within or centered within.

1. Boredom. It leads to restlessness.  A restless mind seeks fulfillment outside. There is no end to seeking satisfaction outside. A fulfilled desire entraps the mind increasingly, and unfulfilled desires lead to further restlessness. A settled mind is content, calm, and peaceful. A mind that is absorbed within never feels bored.

2. Irritation: When we are centered within, we ignore unnecessary things that happen outside us, around us. When we are not entirely inward-tuned, we start getting affected by something that does not fit our opinions or values; instead of ignoring it, we get irritated. A centered mind is empathetic.

3. Anger: When we are not centered within,  we get affected by our triggers for anger, which are triggered from the outside. When centered within, we correct our attitude and free ourselves irrespective of someone else's actions. While irritation is still on the surface, anger is heavier. 

4. Worry: When unexpected things happen, a centered mind focuses on the solutions, but a mind that is not centered within magnifies the problems and keeps worrying.

5. Fear: A mind centered within is deeply rooted in faith. Fear is the tendency of the lower mind. Fear is a great illusion and leads us nowhere. A centered mind dwells in courage and trust.

6. Ego: Superiority complex, pride, arrogance,judgement and ego are undoubtedly the heaviest tendencies; they act as complete blockers in our journey. Humility is the most essential quality which leads us toward purity. Purity is simplicity and simplicity is God.

 "Purity weaves destiny, and impurities destroy it" -Daaji

Why do deviations of tendencies happen?

1. It happens when we are not regular in our spiritual practice. 

2. It happens because we are still in the process of self-refinement and self-mastery. Only with interest, continuous introspection, and conscious effort, purity of consciousness, and stability of emotions can be achieved. We should keep correcting our tendencies at the starting stage when it's easier to change. When things become deep rooted in us, it takes a lot of effort to change and correct ourselves. This means meditation and introspection should be a daily routine for someone who is serious about the spiritual journey.


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