Never give up on yourself

Knowingly or unknowingly, we keep looking for external validation. Others to give us a chance, others to include us,  others to initiate something which we need, others to motivate us, others to understand us, others to love, support, and care for us.

Are we doing all this for ourselves?
Know your self-worth. Stay self-motivated. Take other people's opinions lightly. Even if the choices someone makes are not to your liking, don't let that define your self-worth. 

What is inward tuning that mediation practice teaches us? To look within for inspiration, motivation, answers, approval,acceptance love ,and respect.

There is a difference between self-care and selfishness.  Care for your own feelings and needs.Be your own best friend and try to help yourself in all aspects of life. Selfishness is caring only for oneself at the expense of others. But self care is caring for oneself and also treating others the same way.

Don't settle for less. Rejections, hurdles,delays, pitfalls, U-turn and detours are all part and parcel of life's journey and not the end of the journey.Don't be disappointed. Believe in yourself. Never give up.Stand up for yourself. Its ok to cry, its ok to fall down. But dont complain about the situation. Just go ahead and pick yourself up.Keep going and keep growing.Never give up on yourself. If you don't do it for yourself no one else is going to do it for you.


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