Constant Remembrance
Constant Remembrance begins with dependency, matures with responsibility, and leads to refinement of tendencies.
Dependency: A prayer for protection for mundane activities in our day-to-day life, seeking clarity in dairy writing, talking with the internal master , pouring our heart to master in moments of pain all these things show our dependency and knowingly or unknowingly we are in His Remembrance.
Responsibility: We have multiple responsibilities as abhyasis.
1. Practicing:
The fundamental responsibility is regularity in spiritual practice. Prioritizing a spiritual way of life and giving it our time. The practice is designed by master, we remember Him by following the practice.
2. Knowing : Knowing the teachings of Guru by reading books, or listening to speeches.
3. Feeling : Being sensitive to what happens during meditation, after meditation and all through the day. Sensitivity is directly proportional to one's interest. Feeling the condition bestowed paves way to Joy. We remember the Guru by developing sensitivity to inner condition because the condition is bestowed by the master. Daaji is our inspiration in developing sensitivity. His book spiritual anatomy speaks volumes about His sensitivity. Daaji calls Himself as 'a student of spirituality ' and He is an example for every student of spirituality to develop sensitivity.
4. Understanding : It's taking time to introspect and let the awareness grow , enjoy the expansion of consciousness with a feeling of wonder. Day after day , year after year conditions are bestowed, to retain the condition understanding has to develop. Babuji says " My abhyasis are faster than me. How much ever time I take to put them up, they come down even quickly". When understanding develops we will be able to identify our patterns, our weekness,our shortcomings. understanding puts us on the right direction. It's like when we know where is the leakage in a bucket of water, it's easier to fix it.
5. Applying: Chariji says " Live wisely". Wisdom is application. What we know through masters teachings, what we feel, what we understand, we need to apply it in our day to day life during moments of choices. We remember the master by remembering His teachings and applying it.
6.Thanking : The joy in condition, the wonder in consciousness leads us to feeling of gratitude to Guru who has generously given it.We remember the master by giving thanks.
7. Contributing: When the heart is overwhelmed with gratitude, a need to contribute arises. Volunteering by contributing our time, resources, skills helps us to remember the Guru. Babuji defines service as constantly thinking good for others. Daaji has given us practical way to do that. The prayerful suggestions. We can contribute by applying the suggestions wherever we are.We remember the master by continuing in whatever way we can.
We are in a towards infinity project, dependency and responsibility is also on and on.Dependency refines , Knowingly or unknowingly Dependency which might have been demanding and gradually becomes a dependency without demand where the heaviness of personal likes and dislikes fade away.A conviction develops that whatever happens to me is through Him and that is what is best suitable for my evolution. Can we call dependency without demand as "Cheerful acceptance". We remember the Master as we practice cheerful acceptance which He has taught us.
Since we are in a journey towards infinity, it's important for us to understand the crucial role of perseverance to enable us go on and on as everything is repetitive with different intensities. For this utmost dedication and commitment is required. Babuji says " Don't use spirituality like a washroom ", means its ot to be used only when we are sad or going through tough time. A spiritual journey requires a nothing less than our 100 percent and an eternal commitment. We remember the master on and on in this journey towards infinity.
Daaji says " The best gift we can give this universe is our transformed self" and constant remembrance is the key to this transformation.
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