Thursday, May 9, 2024

Reflections 2024 - part 1

Carry only the essentials. 

The fragrance of a flower spreads to all; such is the nature of good people. 

As we move towards balance, we need to accept our imbalances and that of others. 

Many complexities can be avoided if we respond with wisdom instead of ego.

Attachments come from the fulfilment of needs( not talking about the fundamental needs like food, clothing, and shelter . But our likes and dislikes ). We want continuity in the fulfillment of needs; this intense need intensifies attachment. Strong attachment leads to possessiveness, which can lead to insecurity based on the situation. This applies to physical, mental, and emotional needs.  It's good not to get into extreme likes and dislikes.

Courage is absence of worry and calmness is absence of hurry.

Awareness should lead us to acceptance. Understanding alone is not enough, accept what you understand. 

Essence of spirituality: All is one. That's all.

To overcome irritations handle the intolerances. 

To overcome anger handle the ego.


Stages of peace :

1. When desires reduce, peace blossoms 

2. When we do not hurry based on a timeline and wait for things to happen in its own time, we arrive a new depth of peace.

3. When we learn to accept differences,  peace reaches new depths.

4. When we stop reacting to bad treatment peace intensifies. Our critics help us grow when we stop reacting and use it for improving ourselves. 

5. When we let our rigid walls break and learn to be more open to change then peace reaches greater heights. 


Ego : 

Ego is the identity we have created for ourselves. We believe ourselves to be something and look at ourselves in a particular way.

We like people and situations that support our self formed mental identity and dislike the people and things  which break/ prove to be a threat  to our self formed identity.

Guilt arises when our own thoughts or behavior is not in sync with our idea of ourselves, that self which we believe we are or that self which we aspire to be.

Similarities comfort us, differences allow us to grow if we have the right attitude.


How to practice equality both outside and within?

1. Develop an attitude of respect towards evolved/ kind people.

2. Develop an attitude of friendship towards those who are trying to practice kindness.

3. Develop an attitude of extending support towards those who are yet to practice kindness by intending their for their attitude shift.

**********************************************Integration :

Integration between contentment and moving towards best version of yourself. 

Integration between a sense of urgency and not hurrying. 

Integration between compassion and boundary setting.

Integration between flexibility to change and following a disciplined and structured approach to life.

Integration between humility and confidence.

How to integrate all of the above? 

Let the heart be your guide in every situation. 

Integration between embracing new things as well us not getting dragged into unnecessary things.


Will power :

Will power is not only in climbing a big mountain or doing a tedious task. In day to day life we are surrounded by so many different people and situations.  We need to use our will not to let everything we hear to get inside us.Use the will power to filter what we hear.

"Ships don't sink because of the water around them;ships sinks because of the water that gets in them. Don't let what's happening around you get inside you and weigh you down".

Flexibility is the ability to use the will power and navigate towards the goal irrespective of all the hurdles that come our way.


Magic of moderation :

Stop resistance and start acceptance. Practice cheerful acceptance which is nothing but integrating differences at the same time do not completely adopt have the courage and clarity to adapt; which is a mix of holding on and letting go. This is the magic of moderation a way of life.


Life is all about awareness/non awareness; interest/ disinterst ; action/ inaction.  In between this comes both hurdles and support.


It takes efforts to reach effortlessness and from there sustenance is about effortless effort.


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