If Joy be our aim!!!!!

Work can be thought of as a task or activity performed to achieve a end result.
May be the end result is our survival need or emotional need or our dream or aim!
What should be our approach to work?
Nishkama karma (You are bound to do the work without thinking of the results, at the same time don't be inclined to inaction tlk)  as Krishna says.
How could we make it say interesting or perfect?
If we work for the joy of it!  When the journey becomes a joy and not a rush through to our destination.

If we cook let's enjoy the process, if we do a piece of code let's enjoy it, if we meditate let's enjoy the different states and conditions instead of wanting to hurry for the destination.
I don't mean to say that we need to be aimless, in fact if we have no aim there will be no action. Because the second part of Nishkama karma emphasises not to stick to inaction.

One way to achieve this is to make the joy of work our aim. Be it cooking, coding, meditating or even a piece of blog let's do it for the joy of it!

Working for the joy of it also has other benefits, we cut ourselves from the approvals which has to come from outside, we live in the present, we follow Nishkama karma without our knowledge. 


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