Life is not a one time process

I wanted to go and sit in a beautiful garden with pond and swans and get Lost in it.
I took efforts to reach there and I had to cross hard stones and thorns to get there. But still the beauty of the pond and garden motivated me to cross the hurdles, some one created a mess and in my garden and I had to clear it up to maintain the beauty of the garden. But when the mess was repeated I started getting annoyed and lost the happiness in my dream garden. I was having so much resistance to clean the mess again and again, so I started to accept the mess and enjoy the garden for my own peace. Though this acceptance gave me peace it did not clear my mess. I was not willing to clean the mess again and again and hence the resistance, but after prolonged period of resistance I found that the mess was outside the boundary of my garden and every time I clean it I am only expanding my garden, without knowing this I was offering resistance.

Same way in life at times we offer resistance to expansion with our limited view! There is no sitting down and resting here, we build constantly it's not once and for all. It's until we have reached the level of expertise as nature demands. Trials and turbulences purify us and every other step only elevates our consciousness, we have to come to terms with reality and face it sooner or later, we can't escape or resist or avoid for long, we have to do it ourselves.. That's life!


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