Inner world and Outer world
This is my blog two years back on the synchronization between the inner and outer.
The easiest way to synchronize the inner and outer is love.
When we tolerate or adjust with someone we are trying to be good to them but we are surely not happy within. At the same time we can't be hard and hurt the other person.There is no synchronization between the inner feeling and outer behavior. Tolerance and adjustment in fact seems to be on the arrogant side. In fact we won't even have peace of mind if we can't be the same inside out.
Slowly when we bring the element called acceptance we can stay peaceful.Peace is good but it is just a beginning. There is a small degree of selfishness here on a subtle level.
How then do we really bring about the synchronization between the inner and out in a real and complete sense ? The only way is love. When we learn to love there is no need of tolerance, adjustment, acceptance absolutely anything.
We humans are all born with the ability to love but many a times we don't use it in our day to day life situations. Love exists in so many subtle ways, be sensitive and grateful to the love you receive. When love flows from your heart just let it flow. Don't have resistance or restrictions about from where it comes and where it goes. Just keep love flowing through you heart, then you will always be in synchronization with the inner feelings and outer behaviour.
The synchronization between inner and outer world also involves balance between self and other. Acceptance, gratitude and love is not just for the other but also for the self.
Self Acceptance to be in peace with one's own self
Gratitude (Counting our blessings), creates a joyful state within
When there is inner peace and inner joy , love automatically follows.
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