Salvation lies in our situations
One of the most important thing in our evolutionary path is our ability to learn, unlearn and relearn when required. The people we meet and the situations we encounter in our journey all help in refining our thoughts and actions when we understand the bigger picture.
Our salvation always lies in handling our situations in the best possible way.
1. Dealing with people who are extremely different from us
How open are we to people and things which are not similar to us. How much can we admire and appreciate those whose personality, lifestyle, principles or thought process is very much different from us. How much can we agree to disagree and still stay peaceful. How much can we love even in disagreements.Appreciating diversity is very essential in our learning process.
We live according to our level of awareness and capability and everybody lives life the way they think is good or the way they like it or simply the way they know it.
Never judge people whose lifestyle is totally different from us.
2. Dealing with people whose life standards are different from us.
At times we come across people whose standard is higher than us .Its important to stay confident when someone judges our ability, not everyone is a legend. It's okay to be a mediocre or still evolving or in the process of learning something.
Stay tolerant when someone does not meet the standards which we follow be it in any aspect of life.
3. Dealing with immature mind, ignorant people who burden us without their awareness.
How much we can accept and love ignorant people who burden us without their awareness, burden us with their endless expectations.How to keep calm while dealing with these people.
This is when we have to transition from sacrifice to service, from independent to dependable.
Ignorant people who can talk anything without thinking how it affects others. We cannot change them but if we waste time and energy on thier ignorant words then it means we are all the more ignorant.
"The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore". - Rumi
4. How to deal with a mature mind but not a loving heart.
A ideal human is a perfect amalgamation of a mature mind and a loving heart. But this combination is rare.At times we admire a mature mind only to understand that a loving heart is what is equally important in any relationship.
There is no ego and expectations in love because affection is always spontaneous and effortless but at any point when we feel that there is no reciprocation its ok to give it a pause, for our own self respect and self care.
5. How to be a good listener
While listening is a great quality which encompasses kindness, compassion and friendship we don't always listen to positive ,elevating, thought provoking things. Many a times we might have to listen to a disturbed mind or a hurt heart which only wants to pour out without taking any inputs to fix the disturbance or hurt. Give honest , unbiased opinions to people who may take it. Learn to listen without getting affected.
A cricket match is not only about handling a bouncer and keeping the wicket its also about going ahead and making score. So too in life each of us gets different types of bouncer in the form of people and situations. so it's not only about keeping peace its about going ahead and creating something new.
Life is not always about healing form the past, it's also about channeling our energy and creating a good future.
Never stagnate in peace. It's incomplete. The completion and balance lies in progressing in peace, progressing with peace.
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