Social person

 Who is a social person?

There are four main categories of people

1. people who only like to take from other people, selfish and clever who make advantage of all people and situations 

2. People who only like to give but can never receive.They find receiving embarassing and hurting. They maintain a very high degree of self respect.

3. The touch me not type of people who don't like either giving or receiving.

4. The moderate person  can be called a social person who is open to both giving and receiving. Giving and receiving love, giving and receiving time, giving and receiving help,giving and receiving suggestions. 

There is a lot of misconceptions about social person. A social person is not someone who talks with everyone and goes out for coffee. 

A social person is not a people pleaser. But they can give and receive in moderation,  spontaneously and effortlessly.

A social person cares for others and wishes the best for people around them. Actually all of us give and receive to a small group of family and close friends but we become social when our circumference expands.

 The only way to expand our circumference  is to practice Universal love and the only way to spend time for society is through service.Serve anonymously without any expectations.  A service minded person is a real social person. A ideal human being.


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