Moving towards the final version

 Moderation is the highest discipline.  Just like how the joy of love is love itself, the greatness of discipline is discipline itself not in the fruits of disciplined living.

Discipline is a broad spectrum encompassing a very wide range of dimensions like physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual dimensions. 

Physical discipline :Moderation in all the senses. Moderation in both the craving and action.

Mental discipline  : Moderation in thoughts and actions. The abiltiy to live in the present moment. 

Financial discipline : The ability to use the full potential to create wealth but not let it consume you. The ability to lead a simple life. The ability to share what we have.

Emotional discipline : The ability to remain calm, compassionate and courageous  under all situations. 

Social discipline: The ability to give and receive( love, wisdom, support ) to people around. 

Spiritual discipline: Ability to stay committed to your spiritual practice and take the self responsibility for inner transformation. 

Time management is discipline. Healing is discipline, growing is discipline.  Self care is discipline,  caring for others is discipline. Letting go is discipline, holding on is discipline, moving on is discipline. 

Amalgamation of love and space is discipline.  

Integration of activity and passivity is discipline. 

Transition from awareness to action is discipline. 

Discrimination of when ,where, how ,how long and how much is discipline.  Moderation is the highest discipline. 

Liberation is freedom and discipline is the highest freedom.  

Spontaneously, effortlessly a loving heart and a disciplined lifestyle( practicing moderation in all the dimensions) seems to be the final version.  

It takes determination to walk the path which one has set for oneself. It takes  iron will to break all the barriers ,hurdles and pitfalls that come along the way and keep going  towards the final version. 


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