Reflections July
Effortless effort - doing things that come naturally, spontaneously from within us. This comes with love. When there is absence of love, we will start feeling conscious about our efforts.
Shocks are something which are highly unexpected. Mind takes quiet sometime to handle shocks. Can we bring in acceptance, gratitude, living in the NOW, moderation,surrender even at this time. But that is the way to handle it.
The degree of moderation we practice depends upon the degree of clarity we have and also the will power to act from the clarity.
Kindness is inclusiveness.
Silence the mind, cut off the thoughts and plunge into silence.
Simplicity is truth.
Hold on to your values. Have the courage to be yourself and let the right people stay in your life; even if it means you are going to be alone still have the courage to hold on to your values and consciousness. Feel safe to be yourself.
What we are/have could be a blessing, or a combination of awareness, interest and effort.
Self Acceptance is confidence.
True maturity is to empathize with the immatured and true affection is to be sincere irrespective of how loving the other person is.
The role of wisdom is to enable us to remove the barriers for the flow of love.
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