Appreciate and encourage

One of the most essential qualities to develop as a human being is not to give unnecessary comments, suggestions, negative feedback, sarcastic remarks, or bring someone else down mentally or emotionally due to our prejudice, ego, competition, inadequacy, or Jealousy. This is a bare minimum thing that everyone needs to develop. Just let people be. Let everyone exercise the freedom to live life as per their awareness and interests. Why to judge, interfere, pinpoint or offer unnecessary advice?

As the next step, try to appreciate the goodness in people in whatever form it's manifested. Acknowledge and enjoy the good things in others and uplift their spirit mentally and emotionally.  When human beings start believing in themselves, they do more than what they can. Never let the small things go unnoticed.  Acknowledging, appreciating, and encouraging the 'what is' helps people to fly higher and higher. Choose to be an encourager in the world of criticism. 

Go an extra mile, try to find the hidden potential in others, and motivate them to bring it out. Identifying the potential in someone before the world sees it is the role of a leader.  Help others to unleash their potential. Give people an opportunity to shine. Be a reason for someone to shine. A true leader raises people to his level and even beyond.

Appreciate, encourage, and uplift each other.


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