Universal love and soul connection

 What makes us connect with fellow beings at the surface level?

Admiration, common interest, gratitude, and emotional availability at a given point in time are those which I could think about. If we understand love as an energy that flows through us and the barrier to initiation of love is prejudice, and the wall to the flow of love is ego, we should learn how to overcome the obstacle and keep the flow going. 

As long as love is at the individual level, at some point in time, the expectation of love in return and reciprocation is inevitable because we are dealing with limited energy in giving and receiving.  The eternal, perennial flow of love is only possible when we tune into divine love and let it flow through us without restrictions, awareness, or expectations.This is the practical way to connect with all souls and practice Universal love. 

What flows in,flows through. Always be receptive of divine grace. "When you wait for divine grace to flow in,empty yourself; often it's like a full bottle of wine poured on a mere cup" - Persian couplet.


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