Deepak Chopra's Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

To Start with Chopra advices to follow one law every day!

1.Law of Pure Potentiality(This law is based on the fact that we are in our essential state pure consciousness)

a.Observe Silence for one hour every day.

b.Practice non-judgment (Begin the day with statement “Today I shall judge nothing that occurs”)

2.The Law of Giving(Universe operates through dynamic exchange, nothing is static)

a.Try to give something to everyone you come across. It can be material or prayer, affection ,attention, appreciation etc

b.Remember that the more you give, the more you will receive because the universe works on dynamic exchange

3.The law of Karma(we sow what we reap)

Three ways to deal with Past Karma

a. Pay your Karmic debts (Most people do)

b. Learn from your experiences which arise out of Karma (Taking positive lessons from all situations)

c. Transcending Karma (Through meditation)

Applying the law of Karma

When you make a choice ask a question “Will the choice bring happiness to me and those affected by this choice ? ”

4.The Law of Least Effort(This is based on the fact that nature’s intelligence functions with effortless ease and abandoned care freeness)

a.Acceptance – Accept people, circumstances and events as they occur.

When you are frustrated by a person or situation, remember you are not reacting to the person but to your feelings about the person or situation.

b.Responsibility – It means not blaming anyone or anything for your situation including yourself. It means the ability to have creative response to the situation as it is now.

c.Defenselessness – Relinquish the need to convince or persuade others of your point of view.

“Don’t be like a rigid oak that cracks and collapses in the storm be like a reed that bends with the storm and survives.”

5.The Law of Intention – We can have our intentions and desires but we need to surrender it to the womb of creation, trusting that when things don’t go my way, there is, a reason, and that the cosmic plan has designs for me much grander than even those that I have conceived.

6.The Law of Detachment – In detachment lies the wisdom of Uncertainty.
Don’t give up your intention or desire but give up your attachment to it.

7. The Law of Dharma – Everyone has hidden talents. Identify your talents and use it for the welfare Of humanity.


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