Hunger --- A deadly evil

Last week end, i had been for a eye checkup along with my dad.
I had brunch at around 10.30 am and left to the hospital.Unexpectedly,i had to spend the whole day at hospital.My eyes were dilated for about four times then i had a normal check up and i had to go to another hospital for a scan.We never thought its going to get that late.It was already 3 pm and still i was awaiting my chance to go for the scan.My father got hungry and asked if he shall go down.I asked him to wait with me for 10 more minutes because my eyes were dilated and it was glaring.Then after half an hour he said that he felt like fainting and left me alone to have snacks.Even i felt terribly hungry,but still i had to wait there for my chance.Finally at around 4 pm my chance came and i paid the bill and hurried downstairs and just ate the snacks which my dad had bought for me.

On my way back home i was thinking about all the people who starve of hunger.I really don't know if people can survive without food even for a day,but in the platforms and trains i have seen people begging and they have told that it has been two days since they ate.If only they told the truth, i was wondering how they would have felt.I felt that hunger is a deadly evil.Is there any way to eradicate the world's poverty ?

When ever i encounter beggars in train,in case i don't have change to offer them,i would just make a silent prayer.After this incident i thought everyday i should make sure that i never ignore any person who comes to me for help.


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