Role of KArma in our life

Some more things about Karma and our life came to my thoughts recently.

We come to this world to work out our karma (both good and bad).
Only when we attain a state of nothingness we can reach the abode of God.
So, we have to work out all the past karma which we are building over all our past lives.

First and foremost we need to prevent the formation of further karma,this is possible when we are always in the remembrance of God.

We work out our past karma through bhog(various experiences).

A Guru of high caliber can interfere with our karma if He is moved by our love and devotion.

We need to do good deeds to negate our past karma.Good deeds are selfless act.It could be physical service,monetary help,emotional support,or a simple prayer for our fellow beings.

If we aim to attain God in this very life time, we need to be aware that we have to work out all our Karma so accept what comes our way without getting annoyed,Live in the remembrance of God and lead a selfless life.


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