In our journey, we connect with so many people in different ways and with varying intensities and durations. Why do we not connect to all the people in the same way and with the same intensity? Am not referring to the shallow talk or the surface superfluous connections, but the deeper, heartfelt connections , healthy and pure relationships.
Some of the reasons for deep connections:
1.Feeling of gratitude for something we received( help, support or affection) unconditionally.
2. Common interest
3. Admiration ( Our admiration can be of different nature. Physical admiration, admiration of skills, admiration of habits, admiration of qualities ). Admiring someone for their personality is important for a healthy connection.
I feel the above three reasons help us to form strong connections.
Investing quality time is essential, and it intensifies the connections. Time has the potential to turn a regular connection into a strong connection, and not spending enough time can make an intense connection weak unless and until the connection has reached that stage of eternal bonding.
We also connect based on a common background such as age group, gender, nationality, city, profession, language, culture, social status, and family status) I feel such connections are not that strong. Common background and common interests are not the same. But again, it depends on how much identity we associate with that background.
At times connections happen without our knowledge. We should also learn to disconnect from bad connections we made unknowingly. A disconnect is also required to protect our energy until we are unaffected by anything.
1. We should consider disconnecting from those whose value system no longer matches ours.
2. Every connection has to be mutual. Only then can it be sustainable, or else it will become draining. We should consider disconnecting from insensitive people who do not value us.
3. When we connect through some common interest that is not of elevating nature, we need to disconnect from them when we decide to eliminate those bad habits.
" We can meet the other person only at the depths we have already met ourselves."
The most important connection is the connection to our inner self/higher self. Let's make a conscious effort to connect to ourselves every day when we connect to higher self(God within); from there, we can develop the ability to connect with all of God's creation unconditionally.
Connecting to ones oneself is the first step towards unconditional universal love.
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