State of bliss
A deeper dive into the liberating qualities which lead us to a state of bliss.
1. Contentment - First point in our spiritual journey. Content person manifests stability. A stable person is reliable person. A reliable person is selfless who puts others needs ahead of themselves.
2. Calmness (Peace) - Second point in our spiritual journey. In acceptance, peace. The tool to practice acceptance is gratitude. Accepting the 'what is'.
Babuji says " Acceptance is a wise counselor. Acceptance saves time. Acceptance saves us from blows. Wise people accept, the least wise balk. Make love and acceptance the two fulcrums of your life."
3. Compassion (Love) - Third point in our spiritual journey. In cheerful acceptance, love. The tool to practice love is appreciation. An appreciating heart is a loving heart. Appreciating the 'what is'. Appreciation is the ability to see the good side of things.
4. Courage - Fourth point in our spiritual journey. Courage is absence of fear. Fear is such a thing that makes a human do what they really do not want to do. It takes courage to follow the heart more than the crowd. It takes courage to live in the NOW. It takes courage to stop worrying about something that has not yet happened or that may never happen.
Overcoming the fear of known and the fear of unknown, understanding that strength lies within and not outside. Detachment is the tool to overcome fear. When we don't have attachment there is nothing to lose.
Why we form attachment? There could be many reasons but one main reason for attachment is gratitude. Somewhere someone knowingly or unknowingly met our need, we are grateful. Instead of stopping there we go ahead and get attached without our knowledge.
Since human beings are inter dependent somewhere someone helping us to meet our need is okay but that should not become a habit or addiction, we should always try to be self-adequate.
In gratitude we should have the awareness that what is, is not eternal. The person can move away from our life journey, the person may change while still being there or the person might have unknowingly met some need but may not always be there for us. Detachment in gratitude is essential. Detachment removes fear. Courage is absence of fear. Courage gives rise to Freedom!
Acceptance without the idea of acceptance is detachment. In courage, Freedom. The tool to practice courage is detachment.
5. Clarity - The fifth point in our spiritual journey. At this point of time, I think that the appropriate mastery on contentment, calmness, compassion and courage automatically paves way to clarity.
Of course, our mastery on these points need not be sequential. There can be a detached person who is not content and hence not stable and reliable. There can be a detached person who may not be loving.
Clarity gives way to SAT CHIT and ANANDAM. A liberated soul will remain in a state of bliss. It's not easy to attain this state while still living in the body. We live in a world of illusion. But we need to make use of the illusions to refine ourselves (understand, adjust our thoughts, learn, unlearn, relearn) and move on to a permanent state of bliss (A perfect blend of contentment, calmness, compassion, courage, clarity). It's not easy, but not impossible either.
Sometimes we have dirty situations in the flow of life. People breaking our trust, people who have been just using our kindness. Somethings can be ignored while some others hurt us deeply and put us in a state of fear. In fear we loose clarity and remain confused. How to overcome fear ? Only through faith. Faith is what ? Faith in the flow of life. Trust there is ove , peace and goodness within and around us irrespective of how many people might have individually broken our trust.
Courage is the ability to trust all over again. Close your eyestrustwith all your heart trust there is peace and love, then it is already there.
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