
" A grateful heart creates space for unlimited peace and tranquility" - Daaji

Gratitude is a miraculous quality, and there are different aspects to it. Gratitude is a positive emotion.

It's a feeling of thankfulness when someone does something good for us. This is a condition of thankfulness. 

The second step is expressing our gratitude to the concerned person. This is a state of gratitude,  which has more permanency.

Express gratitude even to those who did what they were "supposed to do" or "expected to do." Because they did it, it could have also been otherwise.

The third step is reciprocation( the same person who helped us may not need our help), so imbibe the good qualities of the person you feel grateful to and be prepared to give( help, support, affection) unconditionally. The universe will send you the one who needs to receive from you.

As in everything, moderation is the means. Do not overburden another person with gratitude. They did something good because that is their nature. We feel grateful that's our nature. But that gratitude should not burden the giver and receiver. 

Gratitude will magically transform our attitude toward life.


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