Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Spiritual insights for woman

 Dear woman, 

 Have the courage to follow your heart.

Let your actions and behavior reflect your heart.

 When you do so have the courage to overcome other people's judgement about your action. 

You don't owe an explanation or proof to anyone. 

Just be you and be happy to be you.

Love and peace is already inherent in you, when you master courage you are taking a giant leap in your evolution.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

 He accepted,

She adapted,


Peace is there, Where is love in this ?


Acceptance is the foundation of peace.

Admiration is the foundation of love.

When we  learn to admire everything and everyone we are participating in the flow of Universal Love.

Be love, become love.

My favorite  quotes on love:

1. " Close your eyes, fall in love, stay there ." - Rumi

My understanding: 

close ur eyes -  Love is a inner thing to be experienced, don't seek it outside.Love is a spiritual condition. 

Stay there - when nature bestows you the condition of love, don't let go of it. Try to attain a permanency in that condition. 

2. "Wherever you are, Whatever you do be in love" - Rumi

My understanding: Every single act we do in our day to day life when we apply love, we do it best and we don't form impressions. 

3. " Love is the bridge between you and everything"- Rumi

My understanding: Towards any person or anything when you approach with vibrations of love you are doing your part.

4. " Love Him who loves All"- Babuji

5. " Love all whom He loves" - Chariji 

6." Love for God is a state where the trinity of lover, beloved and love itself is lost" - Lalaji

7. " Joy of love is love itself" - My first lesson of love taught by Chariji. 

Saturday, February 5, 2022

My experiences with beloved Lalaji (Adi guru of Sahaj Marg)

As we are celebrating the 149 th birth anniversary of Pujya Lalaji Maharaj, for quiet a few times my memories went back to my experiences with beloved Lalaji Maharaj.

I am not blessed enough to meet the great master in the physical realm, my experiences with beloved Lalaji are through visions, dreams, feelings and intutions.

My first conscious experience with Lalaji Maharaj was way back in 2009 July. I feel the living master at that time (beloved Chariji) out of His mercy connected me with the adi guru of Sahaj Marg system. I strongly feel Lalaji and Babuji are the father and mother,  the Shiva and Shakthi of the Sahaj Marg system. The living master connects all Sahaj Marg abhyasis with the Adi Guru Pujya Lalaji Maharaj irrespective of whether we feel it or not.

In July 2009, I was taking a sitting from one of a senior trainer in Chennai. Suddenly I had a dramatic experience where I saw my heart went out of my body and floating in air, in the same room where the meditation was going on. At first I was afraid to see why my heart went out of the body. Then I noticed pujya Lalaji's image in the trainers place. He was seated with open eyes and His eyes were fixed to my heart which was floating. Then I was convinced that I  am  safe as long as Master's eyes is fixed on my heart. Then I could comfortably continue the meditation without worrying about my heart which was floating out of my body. Then towards the very end of the meditation session,  I saw Lalaji's heart come out of His body, it came close to my heart and the two hearts were together close to each other. When I heard " That's all", both the hearts went back, one heart entered back inside my body and one heart entered into Lalaji's body.

I was feeling deep after the profound sitting and on the way back home I was just trying to understand one thing, which heart did I get? Was it Lalaji's heart or my heart. I did not witness that part of the meditation.When I came back home, I got my answer when I looked at the magnets that are stuck in the steel cupboard. How does it matter which heart I got during meditation, when a iron is kept with a magnet, the iron becomes magnetised was the feeling which came from within. So too Lalajis pure heart would have removed the impurities of my heart when they came close together. I felt so thankful to my masters.

The spiritual journey went on smoothly and then I experienced a period of buffer or dryness. Then suddenly in December 2013 beloved Lalaji was there to guide me further on my journey. Am not elaborating all the spiritual work in a public forum but one thing that can be shared is in 2015 my husband and me were in the nearby cities due to job constraints then everyday I saw Lalaji standing by my bedside and taking care of us( me and my elder son) in every dimension. He is both the Guru and a father to me and I consider those days as golden days in my spiritual journey.

In May 2016, during a satsang Lalaji taught me the most important lesson in spirituality i.e ATTITUDE. It was a Friday satsang, one of the most unforgettable meditation in my journey. I don't want to mention everything about it here but just a small bit. There were some wonderful experiences but suddenly after that I found myself in vast desert sands of Reality, It was on and on almost seemed endless and I got very annoyed to see the vast desert after the good experiences. Lalaji was there along with me in the desert.

In ignorance I told Him, am tired, am not going to walk further 'carry me'. But the next moment I realized my folly and felt oh no it should be so difficult for guruji to walk in the hot sand and thinking so I opened both my palms, knelt down and put the open palms on the sand and told master please come and stand here, you may be feeling hot. Immediately the entire situation changed. The infinite sands of reality ended I found water of bliss. This was an attitude test and one of the greatest lesson which Lalaji indirectly taught me. When we bring in the attitude of surrender and submission bliss can exist instantly even in a desert which may seem endless.

Infinite journey becomes instant in an attitude of Surrender!

On this gracious day I thank our beloved Lalaji and pray that we develop the purity, character and attitude which He ways wants us to develop.

Om Shanthi shanthi shanthi.