Sunday, July 24, 2016

Trinity of doing

World is a karma boomi, a dimension to act. There is so much action in materialism, we keep on acting without knowing the reality or towards goals which are not worth until one day when we learn that these are not worth we may start observing and get into a inactive state of being, after a point of time our mind awakens to the fact that being and  doing should be amalgamated but how is this amalgamation possible, it's possible by allowing the divine spirit and the divine will act through us,where we no more act towards achieving our pleasures or mundane goals but let his spirit and will act through us when we still remain in a state of being.  Individual action, inaction, divine action through individual. 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

External and internal

A ashram, a retreat centre or a satsang place is no doubt charged and helps us to get into subtle realms but irrespective of wherever we may be physically present, our reality is our inner condition. It is the state of our consciousness. But many a times we forget to keep our condition good and try to run here and there in search of that which lies actually within.
Same way at times we feel there are multivarious external triggers to loose our inner condition, we keep pointing this and that until we realise the real culprit namely ego and ignorance lies within.
God is within so is our ego.
Strength lies within so is weakness. Internal can always empower external but we make it week, it becomes rusty and useless because of being left unused.
In external help we can get dots but it is internal willingness to decide whether to draw lines across the dots or not.
Let's used our internal will for our welfare and welfare of all. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Freedom from idea of freedom

Freedom is what everyone of us wants, freedom in all walks of life to live life the way we want. To do things which we love to do and stay away from what we don't like. At times we may be lucky if our likes and external matches with each other and when there is a mismatch we want freedom. Sometimes we give up to our ideas and surrender to the external circumstances and sometimes we fight to make our ideas a reality. Attachment is bondage and detachment is freedom. Be it khalil gibran or my master Chariji they say that true freedom is freedom from idea of freedom. As of today my understanding of this is mind does not want what it has, we always want that which we don't have. And our thoughts goes towards what we don't have. When freedom becomes our nature why would we think of it, we might loose awareness of that idea so when we are really free we enjoy it, live in the condition of freedom and get freed from the idea of freedom 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Love as a feeling

Lalaji says that love for God is a state where the trinity of lover, beloved and love itself is lost. Which means in a state of real love we journey from self love and live for beloved and then reach a state where we loose awareness in love which is the final stage. But that does not mean that we are prohibited to enjoy love as a feeling.

We travel from ignorance, knowledge to total ignorance but knowledge is important to make us understand the difference between ignorance and total ignorance. 

What Master's tell is the ultimate reality from the level they are, but we can't jump we walk through steps slowly and steadily achieve permanency and reach their level. So I think it is not a mistake to enjoy love as a feeling with a awareness that there is a next stage to reach. 

Every purpose under heaven has a time

At times I have felt my near and dear ones should experience the inner  joys produced by meditation. Though I don't force anyone, I offer subtle suggestion once in a while with purely good intentions. Of course be it meditation oror conscious expansion there are multivarious stages and levels and each of us travel at our own speed. We cannot rush or stay where we don't belong. That does not mean that we are worthless, it only means this point of time we are not willing or not yet prepared. There is a time for everything. Remember my school hymn :

In His time, in His time,
He makes all things beautiful in His time,
Lord please show me everyday,
As your teaching me your wayway,
That you do just what you say,
In your time.

Both for sowing and for reaping there's a time,
Time for loosing, time for gain
Time for joy and time for pain,
Every purpose under heaven has a time.

There are times, there are days,
Weeks and months we cannot understand God's ways,
If for years we fail to scan
What is His eternal plan
We will remember that He can
All the time

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Tribute to chariji

I was wondering of this mahatma pujya Chariji Maharaj. At times when I think  why am I in Sahaj Marg, I feel it's only because of Him.
Dear master,
I merely trusted you
You induced love in my little heart,
Because of that I started falling in love with you,
Ever since then  I was not the same me,
Success, happiness, peace,
Condition, consciousness or experiences,
All seems mere nothing compared to your love,
I wondered what is this love,
Love is dependency,
Love is unbreaking trust,
Love is total freedom,
Love is utmost acceptance,
Love is encouraging,
Love is hope,
You were all the above without any intention
Because love is your very nature
My journey started by falling in love with you
Later realised I was only falling in love with love,
Master my only prayer is let the flame of love which you lit in my heart glow eternally
Let the flame of love be stable, permanent and eternal withstanding all tests and glow in all circumstances.

Thin layer between grossnes and subtlety

It sometimes looks like getting into a subtle condition is easy with the help of a guru but staying there and achieving permanency is difficult. When we live in this world there are thousands of loop holes by which we can be triggered and slip out of subtle state in no time. But what to do when we have fallen into the gross state, first and foremost thing is awareness of our own condition. When we are aware of our condition then we can take necessary steps. My personal feeling in my spiritual journey is catching hold of the master is the key to enter into subtle realms. In that way if we get habituated to eternally catching hold of the guru we can attain permanency in the subtle state instead of frequent fluctuations. At times we unnecessarily go into high level intellectual things in spirituality also, which is not at all required. Awareness of condition to get back when we deviate and constant remembrance to get there is more than enough of course backed up with love and faith in the guide. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Guru and prana

There was sudden early morning thought today about the similarities between guru and prana. First and foremost is that both are idespensible needs for our survival. The second similarity is the guru and prana are embodiments of equality. Every living thing utilises prana for its survival. Prana offers itself to one and all, it has no differences between good, bad, rich, poor, male, female, nationality or religion or even a Saint and sinner. Same way Guru has no priorities or restrictions among living things. He just offers himself for one and all, it is only the people who assume differences and consider oneself as more important but guru himself is eternally unbiased in his nature. 

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Absolute and relative

Suddenly a question flashed in my mind about the measurement of progress. Spiritual progress cannot be measured as a journey from one point to another point, considering a starting time and ending time because where is relative things like low and high, start and end when we are journeying towards the absolute.
 Absolute is eternal beyond past, present and future. Absolute is neither low, medium or high. Absolute cannot be perceived by the senses which always uses relative measures of understanding. This absolute is not somewhere in space for us to move from earth to there and compare how far we have reached. Absolute is both STILL as well as infinitely expanding ON and ON. Absolute is amalgamation of stillness and infinite expansion. Absolute is not situated somewhere, nor is absolute pointing to any person. But every person who keeps expanding in stillness is part of that absolute stillness and absolute infinite expansion. This absolute is not a single entity but a collection of all entities or souls that are still and infinitely expanding.
Only God is absolute. 

Between towards and away

Human mind always seems busy in running towards something or running away from something. In middle of this running towards and running away it misses something called "The Moment". It run towards what? The DESIRES of all nature personal, material, spiritual and emotional and the ego. It runs away from the Fear, the fear of loosing what it already has achieved or the fear of insecurity. The MOMENT  which lies in middle of this running towards and running away is nothing but STILLNESS  and in this stillness we are close to the creator.
As great Master's say it's important to be outwardly active with a state of this inner stillness. Maintaining a moderation between outward activity and inner stillness is an art but we can tame it with practice.