Sunday, February 28, 2021

Believe in the process of life

I don’t know what kind of coincidence it is ,today two people told me they are depressed.Around 7pm in the evening a lady came home asking for any leads for part time cleaning. She had worked at my house for two weeks few months ago.She said she currently does not have a single house to work and is getting depressed and not interested to speak to anyone.I wished her well and said everything will be alright soon.

Around 9pm one of my old colleague and friend messaged me. We had lost touch and just exchanged our contact numbers a couple of days back. She sounded dull when I messaged her two days back. Today she messaged me herself and told that she was taking tablets for depression! I was feeling sad  about it,and thoughtful.

For each person there could be’N’ number of reasons to feel depressed.It’s ok to feel bad or low, part of life.  It’s not possible to be in high spirits all the time. But we need to understand feelings of depression is just a phase, not something eternal, though the person may feel they are in a dead lock situation. 

Our guru says”There is a solution to every situation even if it’s seemingly dramatic”-Babuji.

At times situations change by itself with passage of time or through another person’s help. We never know what the person around is going through , it’s our duty to follow kindness, appreciation,encouragement and motivation with others. Anyways we are obliged to help ourselves more than anyone else. 

Whatever we may be going through currently, let’s try to believe in God, believe in ourselves and believe in the process of life, believe in peaceful existence.What we believe is our reality.

A hymn to conclude:-

“ Peace is flowing like a river,

Flowing out of you and me

Flowing out into the desert,

Setting all the captives free”.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

God ,Love,Infinity,Oneness

It is said that God is infinite, it may be because He exists in the form of infinite creatures.Love is also infinite because it is the energy which has aided in the process of creation of the infinite creatures.

 They say God is love and love is God.Love is such a subtle energy and it’s subtlety is it’s greatest deception.

From the human level most of the time attachment is misunderstood for love.Attachment is towards few but love once it emanates it’s for all without any restrictions.It’s not one to one or one to many, it’s one to infinite relationship.

Love is the subtle power which helps in the germination of a seed,the flowering of a plant, the growing of a tree.

The hatching of an egg, the flying of a bird.

The birth of a kid, the growth of a baby- the crawling, walking,running, speaking...

The subtle energy which keeps the sun,moon,stars and the planets intact at their respective place is love.

 Love is the energy that flows from creator to each and every creation and creature.There are infinite creatures and we are one among the infinite. But what is common among all? The source or the creator  is God and the energy involved in the process of creation  is love.From love we have come , so the path to go back to the source is also only one that is the path of love.

We find  oneness with other infinite fellow creatures through love.Respect one and another and treat everyone alike for we are all from the same source.Only when we learn to find oneness with all the other human beings ,we can learn to find oneness with all the other living creatures also.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Love and Marriage

 Mother’s love for her child is natural and effortless.But in marriage love is something which has to be built or discovered, with some rare exceptions of love at first sight.

Generally it’s believed that western system of education offers a practical approach to learning.Indian system of arranged  marriage is the biggest practical experience which life can offer!! 

It is a trial and error approach. You can make mistakes. In fact  most of us will, but what is important is we learn how to mend our mistakes. To be successful in a marriage relationship one has to learn new things from the other person,unlearn certain things which is no longer required, re learn certain things again and again which are so vital to keep the relationship going.

To learn, unlearn or relearn one has to be open and one has to be willing and make an attempt.Most importantly one has to be consistent.

Learn selflessness,Unlearn selfishness.

Learn adaptability ,Unlearn rigidity.

Learn to forgive,Unlearn holding on to past fights.

Learn appreciation, Unlearn criticism.

Learn gratitude,Unlearn complaints.

Learn to look at the good,Unlearn fault finding nature.

Learn when to hold on and when to move on.

Slowly with passage of time, God willing people get “used to “each other.This used to phase is called “acceptance”. This acceptance is actually the foundation of love.This is in fact a very minimal required to live at peace.

After the foundation of acceptance people can start working and helping each other in their goals/dreams or overcoming weakness or facing troubles or challenges that comes the way.When couple help each other both start succeeding gradually and they can help and inspire other people.

One has to then swim deeper and deeper to discover the pearl of love . This journey of discovering love is actually a process of self discovery.The joy of love is neither the beloved, nor the reciprocation, the joy of love is love itself, such is its unsurpassable beauty.

Love is infinite and discovering love is always a work in progress.

“The oak tree and cypress grow not in each other’s shadow”-The Prophet by Khalil Gibran.

In love, Freedom. Don’t just fall in love, raise in love. Emanate love to  everyone and everything you come across.Keep the vibration of love always flowing through you, never build barriers to it.

Be love, become love.