Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Condition consciousness and character

This spiritual condition, consciousness and character all seems to be interlinked. There cannot be big difference between these. When spiritual condition elevates then automatically consciousness is pulled up and as vivekananda rightly said "Darma depends on our level of consciousness", so it becomes ones duty to ensure a good character.

In the same way when there is a sudden fall in character or consciousness level the spiritual condition gets affected. Maintaining a good moderate character is a far most important thing in the souls journey.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Weird hypothesis

"Solitude and introspection are the two legs of a yogi " this is a weird random thought which came to my mind.

Any day which we don't spend aa few minutes on solitude is the day we missed talking to our best friend. In Sahaj Marg spiritual sadhana we are always asked to write diary. That is my favourite aspect of sadhana :-)  Whatever be my mood or condition this diary writing has always been magical transformer of my state of mind. But itit took me 13 years to realise that it was not the external guru with whom I was speaking but the process of diary writing is to connect to the God within. They say prayer is speaking to God, meditation is listening to God. I feel diary writing is like a two edged knife and helps in both speaking to God and listening to God. Writing is souls food :-) It connects us to the divine within. 

Guru's role in souls journey

The soul journeys across so many multivarious experiences in different dimensions. What is the role of Guru or master in the journey of a soul? He looks like a middleware in this Holy trinity of creation. He is a transformer who brings about this transformation from,  me (self) - > beloved (Guru) - >ME (SELF)
He takes our lower self to our higher self.
So the journey begins and ends in the self, from self (i)  to the SELF (which encompasses the entire universe).
He is the middleware in ignorance - >knowledge - >total ignorance.

It's all about living

I used to read a lot some years back, then I started writing and later spoke a little bit now i feel reading, writing and speaking are child's play. The real challenge is to live the spiritual way, in every moment of choice. To live Heartfullness as a way of life, "Be courageous, be loving, be peaceful, be less inviting to desires that is the heartfulness way". What is the use of speaking something and doing some other thing. Words have no effect unless the speaker lives in resonance with the words coming out of him. So its not about reading, writing or speaking. Life is all about living the heartfulness way. 


Nowadays I feel that DUTY, is the highest penance. Our Salvation lies in fulfilling our duties in every dimension. Meditation is just a tool to motivate us and keep us going. What do I mean by duties here? Our duty is to fit in with the nature's plan, to let the flow happen without offering personal resistance. Our duty is to maintain the ORDER. Our tiny selves should be in order with the mighty universe. Duties towards ourselves, spouse, family, friends and society, duties towards humanity, duties towards all of God's creation everything should be fulfilled without personal interference and resistance.
But of course no one is going to acknowledge what one does, still one should keep on going on and on because DUTY is eternal meditation and the highesthighest penance. Duty for duty sake should be our motto.