Thursday, March 24, 2016

Energy levels

 May be we all have the same energy levels but each of us direct it in different areas. In creativity, work, thinking, games, art, service prayer. I don't know what determines where our energy flows but I learnt one thing is that it is important that energy flows somewhere instead of being stuck.  Being stuck in blows, failures, hardships or disappointments is surely not constructiveconstructive.

How we prioritise our energy flow determines the output in that particular area. So its wise not to judge anyone because we never know where each person's energy flow based on  thier choices and priorities and situations. From individual perspective it's important to have an awareness on where our energy is flowing and in striking a balance.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Strong souls

Yesterday I was a little upset with some people who expect a lot from me, remind me of my duties but let me down during moments of choices, irrespective of all the good which was done toto them. During moments of choices the prioritiespriorities which humans take show thier degree of commitment and affection. To give and do when all is well is a different thing and to take responsibility in hand and push ourselves to reach out to others is a trait which only few souls pocess. And that too keep on doing for people who never reciprocate at all is love in its highest form. It's sad that in today's world there are times when these kinds of genuine souls are just being used. But still forgiveness is the greatest punishment which could be given for people who failed to reciprocate.
When I personally feel demotivated to carry on I take some inspiration from such strong souls who do thier duty to the fullest without getting any material or emotional reciprocation and am happy my husband is one such strong soul who inspires me. 


What is your idea of completion? Each person tries to find completion in something or other. Nothing can give me the satisfaction which solitude and deep connection to within gives me. Of course I don't deny the happiness which outside world give me in the form of success or pleasure or friendship or kindness but those things fade away with time. Every time I am really broken I feel I have to go back deep within me to partake of God's love to build me back again.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Explore the inner realms of your self

When we go to a tourist place, watch a mind blowing movie or enjoy a lunch in a beautiful restaurant don't we think our near and dear ones should undergo the nice experience.
How beautiful is this inner journey, from where it all started to where the path leads me today, I feel sad I could not capture a photograph to show how beautiful it is so that my brothers and sisters will also like to visit it. I only pray that all people start exploring the inner realms of their self because the beauty of it is unsurpassable. Yes it takes time, effort and willingness but it is worth a try! Though I started walking the path without the awareness of the beauty lying on the way, today I fee every step I took was worth the effort and I benefitted a million times more than what I gave in to it,if only we could understand that benefits are not quantitative, benefits are not physically measurable. This subtlety makes it difficult to invite others to the journey. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Food for thought

Well I was wondering about this condition and consciousness,i.e the spiritual condition best way Guru and the expanded consciousness of any human being.
Which comes first, the condition or consciousness and how do they complement each other.
What limits our consciousness?
First and foremost our belief system which has its roots from family, religion and culture.
We are conditioned to think in a particular way.
Thinking and acting out of rules was never easily  accepted in the society, still there were people who broke the rules and bought about reformation.
Reformers might probably have born with that special responsibility to bring about change.
What about the rest of us. What is our purpose?
In what lies our salvation?
Is condition and consciousness just meant for us. What is the use of it if it does not extend like the ripples, a centre and the waves, the waves may or may not produce another.
I think may be no reformer wanted to change the world, the change in themselves just produced waves outside automatically.
What are the other things which limit our expansion of consciousness?
May be we are happy with the present state of mind and don't want to explore and go further.
Contentment now looks to me like both a blessing and a curse, blessing as it leads to mental satisfaction but contentment probably retards growth. This lack of willingness to go further is a veil to our expansion. This not only applies to consciousness but to any aspect of life. Be it wealth, knowledge, creativity, beauty, spirituality or philosophy without willingness nothing is possible. So I now see contentment as a hidden veil to our expansion.
The third limiting factor could be our sensitivity. This is my recent feeling with myself. By nature I am very shy and introverted and can't socialize much but I love truly and deeply. Sensitivity can be of help in condition but could be a veil in expansion of consciousness. A sensitive person just gets drained.
To live in the norms of society culture, rules, sensitivity, contentment, willingness all is necessary.
So the higher state of conscious expansion is really the flexibility to expand and contract as and when needed.
To live like water which takes the shape of container, not the rigid solid or the air which cannot  be caught in end.
I would personally prefer this state of moderation of water and totally accept the solids, liquids and gas are all indispensable and complement each other.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Being-The characteristic of the soul.
Doing - The law of physical existence
I wondered how would it be if I could amalgamate "Doing" from a state of "Being"
Doing and being would no longer be thought of as opposites but states commenting each other 

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Do your best

Swami vivekananda has spoken extensively about karma Yoga. Even my Master's emphasise on balancing the spiritual and material aspects of existence. We live on earth, the physical plane and actions are the very foundations of physical existence. Sluggishness should never be confused with holy inactivity.
Till the very end one has to discharge thier duties, what are the barriers which prevents us from doing the best? 1.Sloth 2.Judgement 3.Expectation and attachments on fruits of labour.
At times even if we begin well wet get demotivated due to our own attitude.

I would like to shareshare a small story which I read recently.
Once God told a person to push a rock. The person obeyed God's instructions and did his best. He kept on pushing for around seven or eight years until one day the devil came and raised some negative thoughts in his mind such as why are pushing the rock for years it has not even moved a single inch. So the man waswas confused and took the idea to God. God replied him "My dear son, I asked you to push the rock and you did. Did you notice that in this process your muscles got strengthened and your will increased. Pushing alone is your job and you did it, it is me who moves the rock when the time comes".
This story beautifully explains Vivekananda's karma Yoga or Krishna's Nishkama karma.
So let us do our work without attachment or expectations or judgement."Duty for duty's sake should be the motto "says Babuji Maharaj.

As the saying goes Do your best and God will do the rest"