Thursday, July 27, 2023

Towards Infinity

 On and on is the soul's journey; that is why it's called towards infinity.

At every stage, when we think the wait is over, the lesson is learned, but it repeats.  Things repeat for us to know and understand the lessons deeper and deeper. 

Understanding and living up to the five c's, the liberating qualities (Contentment, Calmness, Compassion, Courage, Clarity) keep changing in depth. 

We keep finding deeper meanings in the same old things we thought we learned already, maybe we have learned something, but still, along the journey, we start finding new meanings and understanding.

The journey towards infinity need not be in learning new terms and concepts along the way. It can be in learning the same things at greater depths.

" Love Him who loves all" - Babuji

" Love all whom He loves " - Chariji 

The journey begins with love for God and continues with love for all of His creations. 

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Silence & Love

Beyond the feelings of the heart, such as peace, love, joy, and gratitude.

Beyond the process of knowing, understanding, awakening, and wisdom.

What lies is the state of being of Total silence; Plunge into it.

Silence is not something to be sought. Silence is what naturally is when we stop seeking anything  as well as stop resisting anything. Silence is nothing but the Holy Nothingness. 

As long as we like, admire, and are attracted to something, we will dislike and repel the opposite of it. When the mind rises above the dualities, it is silent. In such a state of moderation love flows effortlessly and without any hurdles. The first hurdle is caused by what we dislike. We close doors to the flow of love as long as we are trapped in the dualities.The doors of heart open when we raise above dualities.

The second hurdle is caused at a later stage .  Love flows towards the people who have the qualities we like but at one stage reciprocation comes to the mind and closes the door which was once open.

We cant be informed the same way we inform;

We cant be helped the same way we help;

We cant be included or invited just the way we do;

We can't be supported or cared for just the way we did for someone else.

Accepting other people's choices and continuing to choose love irrespective of what we receive is overcoming the barrier of reciprocation. 

The role of wisdom is to enable the flow of love and help us remove all the barriers to love.Wisdom by itself is incomplete if it does not teach us unconditional love. 

Peace,love,joy and gratitude are no longer feelings which come and go, we move to a permanent state of being where we silently unconsciously and unconditionally radiate love,peace, joy and gratitude. 

" Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation " - Rumi.

"The end of religion is the beginning of spirituality,

The end of spirituality is the beginning of reality,

The end of reality is the beginning of Bliss,

When that too is gone, you have reached your destination " - Shri Ramchandra of Shajahanpur (Babuji)

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Universal love and soul connection

 What makes us connect with fellow beings at the surface level?

Admiration, common interest, gratitude, and emotional availability at a given point in time are those which I could think about. If we understand love as an energy that flows through us and the barrier to initiation of love is prejudice, and the wall to the flow of love is ego, we should learn how to overcome the obstacle and keep the flow going. 

As long as love is at the individual level, at some point in time, the expectation of love in return and reciprocation is inevitable because we are dealing with limited energy in giving and receiving.  The eternal, perennial flow of love is only possible when we tune into divine love and let it flow through us without restrictions, awareness, or expectations.This is the practical way to connect with all souls and practice Universal love. 

What flows in,flows through. Always be receptive of divine grace. "When you wait for divine grace to flow in,empty yourself; often it's like a full bottle of wine poured on a mere cup" - Persian couplet.

Appreciate and encourage

One of the most essential qualities to develop as a human being is not to give unnecessary comments, suggestions, negative feedback, sarcastic remarks, or bring someone else down mentally or emotionally due to our prejudice, ego, competition, inadequacy, or Jealousy. This is a bare minimum thing that everyone needs to develop. Just let people be. Let everyone exercise the freedom to live life as per their awareness and interests. Why to judge, interfere, pinpoint or offer unnecessary advice?

As the next step, try to appreciate the goodness in people in whatever form it's manifested. Acknowledge and enjoy the good things in others and uplift their spirit mentally and emotionally.  When human beings start believing in themselves, they do more than what they can. Never let the small things go unnoticed.  Acknowledging, appreciating, and encouraging the 'what is' helps people to fly higher and higher. Choose to be an encourager in the world of criticism. 

Go an extra mile, try to find the hidden potential in others, and motivate them to bring it out. Identifying the potential in someone before the world sees it is the role of a leader.  Help others to unleash their potential. Give people an opportunity to shine. Be a reason for someone to shine. A true leader raises people to his level and even beyond.

Appreciate, encourage, and uplift each other.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Follow your heart

"Follow your heart" three simple words but it takes tremendous courage to follow the heart. 

"Be yourself", means living life the way it is naturally, spontaneously comes from within us. Flexibility is good. Adapting to situation is wisdom. But totally adopting instead of adapting is foolishness.  Always have the clarity about what are the habits or qualities which we need to hold on and what are the habits or qualities which we need to let go. 

How to decide? Anything which we do should make us feel lighter or at least leave us the way we are. Inspiration, motivation is all good if the change is for the positive, positive means it should make us feel lighter at both the heart and mind, else just don't go for it. 

Sometimes not following the crowd may make us feel alone, but its ok. Because we are perfectly complete the way we are. A handful of good relationships are more than enough. Don't be afraid to be yourself even if being yourself is going to be being alone. Strength lies within you; clarity comes from within you. Love is within you then what is important is to connect within.  When we connect within, half the problems are solved when we have the courage to remain connected within, the remaining half of the issues are solved. 

Be courageous and remain connected within.  The right people and things will be in your life. Those who love and respect you the way you are and for what you are. The things which you really deserve will automatically fall into place.

" Eliminate everything that does not help you evolve " - Rumi.

Eliminate does not mean cut off, it means mentally don’t give importance to things which are not required in your journey. It is each individual to decide what they want in their journey. The free will to make choice is always ours. When we have the freedom of choice, we have along with it the responsibility to handle what comes our way. At the same time respect the choices which your fellow beings make, in that way we can remain in harmony with each other irrespective of differences. 

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Trip to Fategarh, Shajahanpur, Sathkol

Fatehgarh: The birth place of our Adi guru Lalaji. There was so much serenity and calmness as we entered the garden of Fatehgarh ashram. It showed how trees retain the divine essence longer than human beings.  It was so tranquil, and the calmness in the atmosphere could not be expressed in words. My major take was, " It is not enough to give your heart to the Master. You should also give your time". Probably this applies to all our relationships. We also visited Lalaji masters Maha Samadhi. The condition which prevailed there was so powerful pulling a seeker deeper and deeper within. 

Shajahanpur: The birthplace of Sahaj Marg system. The birth place of Babuji .It's been my dream place for many years. Having heard and read so much about Babuji and Shajahanpur, my heart always craved to visit this place. The ashram was beautiful. There was divine transmission right from the moment we entered the gates of the ashram. There were many monkeys and peacocks since there were many trees. Right from my childhood, I have fear of animals, even pet animals like dogs. Somehow, this fear did not allow me to dwell deep within.  I only realized that the only way to overcome fear is love.

Sathkol: Heartfulness Sathkol meditation center is situated in a eautiful natural environment, with a Himalayan view, away from the noise and busy city life.

The silence of the place, the calmness, and the serenity prevailing in the atmosphere automatically help our mind to tune within, unwind, and relax.

The word "Sathkol"  means "Opening to the truth."  The truth I witnessed here is

 " Simplicity." 

Simplicity is contentment. 

Simplicity leads to calmness. 

Simplicity is purity. Purity is the absence of prejudice or ego, and the lack of ego is love.

It takes courage to remain simple. 

Simplicity paves the way to clarity.

This shows that simplicity is liberating; simplicity is a liberating quality( contentment/ love) or leads to liberating quality( calmness/ clarity ), or is the outcome of liberating quality( courage).

" Be plain and simple to be identical with nature." Maxim of Sahaj Marg 

Visiting the place Sathkol could be once in a lifetime, but opening our minds to the truth and living the truth is what is important. Visiting retreat centers and ashram recharge us. What is more important is to stay connected with the inner self wherever we are.