Friday, December 11, 2009

To my Master who made me Born Again

The heart echoes your name in a wonderful way
And feels your presence in a beautiful way,
We were united from times bygone
And shall remain connected all along,
Time and fate will become losers
If they plan to separate you and me.

Every atom of my being sings your hymn
And rejoices in your name from deep within;
Time and fate may have brought me to you
But time and fate cannot dare to part me from you;
Here I am seeking nothing but you,
Willing to loose my identity to become one with you.

It was a decision tough to make ,
Despite all the love which in my heart prevailed,
To break my prejudices which were against your principles,
To accept the sufferings which were tough for my age;
There was a moment of doubt and setback
But the spirit has won and devil has lost .

But my human mind anticipates sufferings on hold,
Is there any greater suffering than to part from Master’s behold?
In either way the suffering is mine
But my Master has taught me to accept it with a smile.
Here I am seeking nothing but you
Trying to loose my identity to become one with you.

Where can I find a Master like you
Who guides me all the way through;
What has destiny got to do?
Because its your mercy which has brought me to you.
Thank you Master for everything
Your praise I shall sing from deep within.

I need you more than air and water,
Please don’t keep me away my Beloved Master.

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